Hello All-
Sad news. Just found out from my younger brother, Jim, who is good friends with Susie’s brother, Brian, that Sue passed away last week. She had been in a nursing home in Tennessee and went into hospice where she passed away last Thursday. I’ve attached the obituary from the Tribune. So very sad.
Alice Hastings (Toppen)
Sue lived just around the corner from me and she was so much fun. Sorry to loose another classmate.Susan Leonowitz (Adams)
Susie was such a sweet person and I have fond memories of interactions with her. I think that we are all saddened to learn of losses from our class--so much more the reason for frequent "mini-meets"!
David Lockhart
What very sad news. As I remember Susie, she was always very sweet and kind. It was always fun to be with her. She was a fun classmate that will be remembered and missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family.
Michele Holland (Wilson)
So sorry to hear about Sue. Lots of memories of fun times...especially being cheerleaders together. She was truly a sweet kind person! She will be missed!
Margaret Pierce (McKernan)
As some of you have said, I too have wonderful memories of Sue. She was so welcoming to me when I moved from Kansa City to Lake Forest in my sophomore year. I always remember her beautiful smile, bright smiling eyes and loving personality. What a gift she was to our class and to me. Special prayers to all her family and dear friends.
Peg McKernan
Diane Belmonte (Patterson)
I am so sad to hear this. WE had been keeping in touch through the years and sharess alot of memories but after our 50th we lost touch and I coun't find her. I am so sorry I didn't try harder. I will always remember what a cute girl she was with those big eyes and have memories of her doing a hula at one of the talent shows at school. When she was living and New Mexico I had made her a hand beaded necklace and she wanted me to come there and get a shop lol she thought I was talented :) Such a fun, nice , sweet and energetic person. I will always remember her in her Cheerleading outft. Gosh I am sad to hear this :(((((( LOVE AND PRAYERS TO HER FAMILY. Know that her classmates remember her fondly.
Eileen Janowitz (Ward)
Very sad - she was a sweet and beautiful person inside and out.
Sandy McDermand (Grimmer)
I too remember Sue's great smile and energy and friendship. Thanks for encluding the obituary Bob
With sympathy, Sandy
Mary Maxwell (Thomas)
Sue was a lovely, lively, generous spirit who blessed everyone she touched. She will be sorely missed!
Peggy Williams (Ezell)
Every time Sue smiled...I smiled back! Then we would laugh and we weren't sure what we were laughing about! So we would laugh more! It's a wonderful memory and one that I cherish.