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02/14/22 05:18 PM #86    


Bill Harrison (Harrison)

Classmates, I just paid for five more years, thanks to all your generous donations! It really felt good to submit that payment because I know how much this website means to all of you. Also, I received many, many wonderful notes of thanks and updates from many of you. Thank you and God Bless!

P.S. I do have some money left over to help with any reunions that may come up!

04/09/22 04:59 PM #87    


Eileen Janowitz (Ward)



Hi All -  what do you think about a Reunion in Lake Forest  next year?  We could celebrate ourselves as we have graduated 60+ years ago (missed 60th because of the Pandemic) plus most of us will be having a BIG birthday.  I would be happy to help plan it from afar.






04/10/22 12:22 PM #88    


Kris Shoulberg (Brown)

My first reaction to Eileen’s suggestion of having a reunion in LF next year was something like, “Oh, I would love to, but I have trouble traveling, I have Parkinson’s’, I’m pushing 80, my balance is bad, etc……” So there it is!! My ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM! I am thinking that you all are just as old as I am (really!?!) and some of you have your own issues to deal with too!  So, I say, heck yeah!! We’re not getting any younger! We’re in this together, LF Class of 1961! Let’s do this! Count me in!

04/10/22 12:54 PM #89    


Susan Leonowitz (Adams)

I think a reunion in Lake Forest next year is a great idea!

04/10/22 09:58 PM #90    


Steven Spaner

Kris' reply was a sobering statement for me. I have a bumb right knee from a torn cartilage I earned in a senior year scrimage of the LFHS football team, but otherwise I am remakably healthy. I know from my daughters that my first wife is have aging issues, so I know that it is happening to us. I applaud Kris' attitude and buy-in against the challenges. This next birthday will mark a milestone for me in that I will have out lived my father by 10 years. 

I welcome the chance to see my first real school cohort. I am all in on a reunion next year and hopeful that I can forestall a knee replacement in the interim. I don't live as close as some classmates to LF, but St. Louis is close enough to help with some planning. I know Chicagoland pretty well after having a summer job during college years driving CTA buses, both gas and electric.

04/11/22 11:19 AM #91    


Bruce Sharer

I've been watching the folks here from afar since I joined, and occasionally have contributed a message. Over the years I have considered attending a reunion, but always seemed to have an excuse not to. One concern I have alway had about attending a reunion is whether I would know anyone there. Since I only went to LFHS my freshman year and since I lived it Lake Bluff from 1953 to 1958, I didn't get to know many Lake Foresters well. Also, quite a few of the Lake Bluffers I knew well have passed - Jerry Piepenbrock, Robbie Patelke, Joel Eiserman, Eddie Risty to name a few. I've been in touch with John Barr on the left coast and Todd Stussey in Ohio, but that is about it. In 1984, my wife and two boys drove by LFHS and through Lake Bluff on the way from Chcage to a family reunion on Wisconsin. That was the lat time I was in the area. But it would be neat to see the area again and the school. I might even recognize something or someone.

04/11/22 05:30 PM #92    


Sue Harrington (Francis)


I will certainly try to make it.  It is a bit a o hike from Hawaii, but I would love to be there.  So count me in!


04/11/22 05:57 PM #93    

Fred Jackson

Great idea. I’m willing to help with the committee.

04/12/22 09:05 AM #94    


Bill Harrison (Harrison)

Looks like we have solid interest in a 2023 reunion in Lake Forest! Next step: I was planning on sending an email to all registered classmates (about 85), asking who is interested, what time frames are best in 2023, and who would volunteer to be on the committee if we have one (Fred already volunteered. Thanks!). Eileen, if it's OK, I'll send it out from you and me. That way we can track the responses and I can post updates. Also, there is about $1,000 in our private account that can help, thanks to the recent donations from classmates. Good to hear from so many of you! Let's do this!

04/12/22 09:33 AM #95    


Kris Shoulberg (Brown)

I would be happy to help In whatever way I can from Florida! Maybe Zoom? Thanks Eileen and Bill for getting this going!

and......Bruce, don't worry! We'll ALL need name tags! Not many of us still look like we did 60+ years ago!

04/14/22 04:48 PM #96    


Daniel Hollister

2023 Reunion sounds great. Let's hope all of us remain verticle!!!!!

Dan Hollister 


04/17/22 06:10 AM #97    

Diane Belmonte (Patterson)

Bill, I am late in reading this page, but would like to contribute to your fund.  I may also be able to make the Reunion next year.  Diane Belmonte Patterson

08/11/22 10:16 AM #98    


Bruce Sharer

Can anyone here provide me with information about Jerry Piepenbrock? He was a good friend in Lake Bluff. I heard that he and his dad died in a car accident years ago. He was gone when I started to reconnect with LFHS friends. Anyone know what he did after high school? College? What year did he pass? Another thing I remember about Jerry other than his  eight inch TV in his room was the incredible chemistry set he had in his basement. Thanks for any information.  --Bruce

01/30/23 09:05 PM #99    


Bill Harrison (Harrison)

Fellow Classmates, LFHS Class of ’61,

Bob White here. For several years prior to Covid, there had been suggestions on our class website that we should have a 60th reunion. Unfortunately, 2061 has come and gone.

The idea came up again after Covid settled down. And encouraged by several comments that "we really should do something while most of us are still vertical,” (Thanks, Horace!), a few of us decided to get together and begin the process of setting up a “60th” reunion, even if it is two years late.

Bill Harrison, Fred Jackson, and I have put together a rough plan that we would like to share with you to gage interest.

 We are thinking of:

 • in Lake Forest, sometime late this summer or early fall

• not be tied to the 4th of July, Lake Forest Day, or Homecoming. 

• cocktails and dinner, probably at the amazing Lake Forest-Lake Bluff History Center. Check it out at

• recognition of those who are no longer with us 

• a “free” day with several activities to pick from or to simply do something on your own.

   Ideas so far are:

            • a tour of the high school

• golf at Deerpath Golf Course

• miniature golf at the new Deerpath Miniature Golf Course

• a “closing” get together before we all head back home.

But before we go any further, we need to gage the interest of our fellow classmates. In other words, would you plan to attend a “60th” reunion based on the above information?

Reply to Bob White with your answer ASAP. His Email is:

NOTE: If you have already responded to Bob's email, please disregard.

09/11/23 12:33 PM #100    


Kris Shoulberg (Brown)

Hi all! As I sit here going through my daily ritual of checking my email and Facebook accounts, it occurs to me that we should maybe  have our own Facebook "page!" Wouldn't that be a simple and fun way for us to stay in touch? Interested? Yes? No?

Cheers! Kris

09/12/23 09:25 AM #101    


Bill Harrison (Harrison)

Kris, that's up to you. Personally, I am moving away from FB. Was taking too much of my time. Good luck!

09/12/23 01:54 PM #102    


Susan Leonowitz (Adams)


Hi Kris--I wonder how many people would do Facebook since so many don't even send a birthday wish or respond to wishes sent to them. All it takes is a minute! I wouldn't want to have Bill put in even more effort than he puts in now.






09/12/23 06:04 PM #103    


Bruce Sharer

FB works for me, Kris.

11/30/23 02:48 PM #104    


Bruce Sharer

Sometime back I mentioned that I had been touch with Jim Schweckle formerly of Lake Bluff and LFHS. He said that he wasn't interested in connecting wioth the group due to health and other issues.  I don't recall if I  mentioned that he had passed. Today, a reminder of his obit came to my email. I thought I would share it here.

03/24/24 10:55 AM #105    


Bruce Sharer

I have a photo of the 8th Grade graduating class of 1957 from Lake Bluff Junior High. I can recognize many of my classmates, but not all. I was wondering af some of you Lake Bluffers can fill in the blanks.

Here is my list relative to the photo attached. I'm sure I have mis-identified some and/or mispelled, I apologize.


, , , , , , , , Ginny Dangermond, Sharon Tjaden, ,


Eddie Holstein, , , , , Louise Wolverton, Vickie Carrberry, , , , , , Todd Steussy, Jim Roberts, Daniel Aioki


Tom Brunet, Larry Trezise, Bob White, , J West, , Robert Weisenbach, Randy Kwiatt, , Terry Rogan, , , Jerry Piepenbrock, ,Tom Dunkerton, Steve Ritter, Keith Moldenhauer


 , , , , , , , , , Bernie McGovern, , Robert Walton, Bruce Sharer, , , Jim Schwechle


Eddie Risty, ,Paul Frederick, , Ira Cushing, , Terry Alberg, Robbie Patelke, , Dennis Conley, Joel Eiserman

03/24/24 04:06 PM #106    


Bruce Sharer

I have three Forest Trail annuals if anyone is interested, 1957, 1959 and 1960. I bought them as a set of four to get my freshman anual, 1958.

03/25/24 08:10 AM #107    


Kris Shoulberg (Brown)

Well, Bruce! I must have made a big impression on you! I am #12 front row. I can identify most of these. Will try to do it soon. Take care!

04/14/24 10:53 AM #108    


Bruce Sharer

Who played in the Lake Bluff Junior High Band under Mr Duba (sp) during 1955-1957? I played trumpet? I changed to French Horn at LFHS and continued actively playing through 1986 with various groups.

06/01/24 03:44 PM #109    

Fred Jackson


Congratulations! You are part of history. The 50's and 60's in Lake Forest was a transformative period in Lake Forest. Population was growing and part of large estates were being sold and developed. We diddn't know it, but we were part of a major change in Lake Forest. The Lake Forest/Lake Bluff History Center will feature an exhibit that speakes to this period beginning in June through November. If you are in town, stop by. I think you will enjoy it.



06/02/24 03:36 PM #110    


Bill Harrison (Harrison)

Dear classmates. I've been asked to get any information on Peter Langer. We lost contact with him. Any ideas?

Thank you!

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